
Pemanasan Global (Global Warming) Increase

Pemanasan Global (Global Warming) Increase [of] Face water go out to sea in general will result the following impact : ( a) the increasing of floods intensity and frequency, ( b) change [of] current go out to sea and the wide-speading of damage [of] mangrove, ( c) the wide-speading of sea water intrusi, ( d) threat to activity [of] coastal area society sosial-ekonomi, and ( e) decreasing wide [of] [of] continent or loss of isle.

The increasing of floods intensity and frequency because of the happening of random rain pattern and short the rains whereas rainfall very high ( extreme occurence). Other possibility [is] effect (pengaruh/ akibat)of the happening of backwater effect (pengaruh/ akibat)from coastal area region to land also Global Warming (pemanasan global). And floods intensity frequency happened 9 bigger times [at] decade come where 80% make-up of the floods happened [in] Asia South and South-East ( including Indonesia) broadly tired floods pond 2 million square mile. Make-Up of volume irrigate [at] coastal area area will give accumulative effect (pengaruh/ akibat) if increase [of] water face go out to sea and also the make-up of rain intensity and frequency happened in range of time which at the same time.