
The University Performing in Global Warming (Pemanasan Global)

Meanwhile, from Floating, specially [in] Floating West, depilatory [of] development and forest which [is] massif regardless of environment, making worse the condition of environment and more and more to make worse life [of] society and also trigger going worse [of] global warming (pemanasan global) and perubahan iklim (change of climate). Besides, often happened conflict [among/between] society with industrial [party/ side] effect (pengaruh/ akibat)of farm turning into industrial place. This condition trigger the hoisterous of woman commerce and children [in] Floating West. This Situation really feel concerned about. Even, media even if, do not put attention to life [of] society Float West. So that at the moment the area face two big problem namely global warming (pemanasan global) and child commerce.

Javanese [of] West, Dadang ( Federal [of] Farmer Jabar) saying that witness above representing reflection that dregs society rights by capitalistic development model. State only arranged by pemodal-birokrat clan, without entangling impecunious clan. If society continue to be kept quiet and is apathetic, hence condition of befalling woman clan will continue happened. Do not be impossible, will increase and extend.

During three-day, from date 22 - 24 Februari 2008 from morning till Faculty Geografi UGM afternoon perform Congress Tying Student Geografi Indonesia ( IMAHAGI) Ke-10 . Congress that goes on this, followed [by] [about/around] 30 participant from various College courier in Indonesia. [Among/Between] nya followed by courier from University Education [of] Indonesia ( UPI), University Indonesia, Bandung, University Country Yogyakarta, Unlucky University, University Country Surabaya ( UNESA), University Country Semarang ( UNES), and University Nusa Sandalwood ( UNDANA) and also some delegation from Makassar, Sulawesi.

This congress take theme " Revitalisasi Role and Function IMAHAGI" which [is] berbertujuan to inspire again Student Geografi Indonesia activity, which after [about/around] more or less five seakan-akan year without there [is] activity. Because assessed [by] regenerasi inexistence, nothing are have to be gone to, what finally agree and have initiative [to] perform [a] this Congress, Erudite oration and trip field [is] also performed [a] as part of congress network.

The confessing of, Congress begin from performing [a] of Sarasehan Geografi [in] University Country Yogyakarta some times then. That moment some PT, like UGM, UNY, University Bounce up Mangkurat and University Country Semarang agreement reanimate IMAHAGI activity.

To early this, as according to IMAHAGI theme wish merevitalisasi first role and also in Indonesia development. This Congress will study and reorganize AD / IMAHAGI art, [job/activity] bow outline, recommend, election [of] [common/ public] chief along with its peripheral, existence [of] commissariat and also structural related/relevant, environmental goodness [of] faculty storey;level and also jurusan,serta determination [of] next congress execution place. On the chance of suggestion, criticism, and idea from all geograf element expected can be accomodated and become a[n step progress [of] Geografi in Indonesia matching with condition in this time.

This congress [is] expected can yield Geografi Indonesia student attitude and decision developing and critical to geografi phenomenon which often happened this time. In consequence will be studied also some issue related to geografi. For example global warming (pemanasan global), environmental degradasi, natural disaster, and regional development.

Most Indonesia region [is] ocean, so that naturally Indonesian nation represent maritime nation. This matter [is] added again with regional situation [of] strategic Indonesia [is] tropical region. wide [of] Sea carpet represent a[n potency to Indonesian nation to develop sea sumberdaya owning keragaman, good [of] sumberdaya involve and also other sumberdaya.

As a(n) maritime nation which have wide [of] sea region and with thousands of big island and small which spread over in it, hence degree of efficacy [of] Indonesian nation [is] also determined in exploiting and managing the wide [of] sea region.

The Classic and beauty [of] and also life variety under sea from archipelago [of] wide [of] Indonesia [in] equator firmament still many mystery menyimpan and challenge to its potency.

One of the the potency or sumberdaya involve priceless [of] its price from economic facet or its ecology [is] rock terumbu sumberdaya, if terumbu sumberdaya compose this dikaitakn with maritime wisata development have very big share. Because existence [of] the rock terumbu of vital importance in development various sector of[is including tourism sector.

Special [regarding/ hit] rock terumbu, Indonesia known as [by] terumbu distribution center compose to entire/all Indo-Pasifik. Indonesia have terumbu areal compose for the width of 60.000 km2 more. So far have been noted more or less 354 rock type which including into 75 is clan.